Tuesday 23 July 2013

So, the end of last I joined the online voluntary review website, The Public Reviews (it's all good CV fodder... plus, free theatre tickets -woo!), which means that my amateur reviews might get read by more than the three (probably imaginary) people who read this blog. With the end of the year being quieter on the theatre front, with the exception of Pantos, I didn't have much chance to do my first review until February this year.

Typical of me, possibly lacking momentarily common sense, for my first semi-professional review that was going to be read by people, and seen by the actual theatres/companies, I decided to review a three and a half, German opera - Welsh National Opera's Lulu, directed by David Pountney, who even I had heard of!

The Public Reviews - WNO's Lulu

It was long, bum-numbing, German, Aria-less opera with artistic nudity; but also exciting, interesting and oddly enjoyable. I was sitting next to posh, proper reviewers with their pens and notepads - I did feel rather out of place! It was only my second opera, and first review for the site - jump in at the deep-end, don't I.

The second review was for another WNO opera - Madam Butterfly this time. If, in this analogy, Lulu is Sky Arts, then Butterfly is BBC Four - much more accessible and more people can get it. I enjoyed it much more, and Lulu was a different experience but I don't think I could sit through it again whereas I'd happily see Madam Butterfly again!

The Public Reviews - WNO's Madam Butterfly

The rest of the reviews were in my beloved Cardiff's New Theatre:

The Public Reviews - Soul Sister
Amazing performance from the actress playing Tina Turner, but the show was less of a musical/play and more of a Tina Turner tribute show with scenes and video clips in between songs. The audience were on their feet for the last lot of songs!
The Public Reviews - The Ladykillers
I thought that the funniest play I saw this year was One Man, Two Guvnors; but The Ladykillers was amazing! I love the film and am so glad that the play was just as good. And Clive Mantle in a dress was the funniest curtain call I've ever seen! 
The Public Reviews - Go Back For Murder
The Public Reviews - The Rocky Horror Show
My fourth time at a Rocky Horror show, and 3rd best production I've seen - if you're wondering they go, from the best: Jason Donovan, 1998 (with Nicolas Parsons as my favourite Narrator!); David Bedella, 2010; Oliver Thornton, 2013; and Jonathan Wilkes, 2003. A subdued audience, as it was a Monday night.


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