Saturday 28 April 2012

(Lack of) Theatre etiquette!

 The theatre would be a wonderful place if it wasn't for the rest of the audience!

I remember when these were only 20p, between then and now they went up to 50p and their current price - one pound?! 27 isn't old but plenty of things annoy me these days... God help me when I am a grumpy old man!
I'm not even sure that anyone uses the binoculars anymore. That being said, I still wouldn't like to see them disappear; that one of the negatives about the WMC, they don't have them but they could really do with them, if sitting in the Upper Circle your so high up the actors might as well be ants!
Phones going off; people talking; eating, with the constant rustle of packets. When I went to see Emmylou Harris the man sitting next to me just ate a bag of crisps through the whole thing! Drinking, cans mainly, I don't mind people drinking from bottles (e.g. water) as you can't really make much noise that way, a can is really quite loud, but there was someone with a can of Fosters when I went to see Murder on The Nile - just because you're sitting in the upper circle doesn't mean you can act like it's a pub! Also, when someone gets slapped in a play don't loudly go "Oooohhhh!", unless you're watching a panto, in that case you can make all the noise you want because I wont be in the audience! I would of thought you're not allowed to take stuff like that in the auditorium with you. But I suppose what mainly annoys me is people coughing, why do the always seem to wait until the quietest moments; a dramatic scene ends, dramatic pause - and then someone coughs and then it seems to begin a spate of coughs, like a cacophony of bronchial dominoes! Slightly less annoying, and a more pointless annoyance, is people dressing like tramps, I was once incredulous when seated behind a man in a football shirt! I'm not saying dress up, but have some sort of sartorial self respect.

I'm assuming this is all down to my imagined, romantic nostalgia. I don't remember the days when people used to dress up to go to the theatre, the irony being that if I was born in that era I probably wouldn't be able to go to the theatre as often as I do. I wish people dressed up these days, but it's not as if the majority of audience are dressed like scruffs. I at least I'm keeping my end up, style-wise... I wore a nice jumper anyway(!)


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