Sunday 19 June 2011

Avenue Q at Wales Millennium Centre

So I went to see the 'best puppet musical around', my words, (I'm assuming it's the only puppet musical around, I don't know if it is though) - Avenue Q at Cardiff's WMC. I loved it but my sister hated it - here's her review:
I loved Sesame St, love The Muppets, I love musicals and I love smut (who doesn't?) - so I loved this. I was actually rather surprised that the musical part of it was really good, I had imagined that more work would have gone into the comedy side and the songs would've been a let down - they weren't of course, it wouldn't have won so many awards and critics' plaudits if that was the case. I didn't find it as funny as the man behind me, although the way he was laughing I don't think anything is that funny. I've wanted to see this show ever since it opened on Broadway in 2003 while I was in New York, those Muppet-style characters were on posters everywhere, I had to wait 8 years and I wasn't disappointed.


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